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My name is Tanya Besedina, and I am a storyteller.  ​


I tell my stories using the medium of Porcelain, and all of my work is 100% handmade. The inspiration for my art work flows to me from my own personal story, as well as, experiences and events shared with me from friends, family and those I love. 

As with any story of depth, it takes layers and layers of truth, struggle, revelation, and achievement to complete its arc. For anything that transforms us in life, carries with it the requirement of perseverance and effort. This truth is reflected in my work that I have chosen and the rigorous process of expression that I employ.

Artistic Statement. ​


You shall always find an accent of woman in my works, which goes on a level of instincts, based by nature. With forgotten tales there are dreams to come,- the smell of grasses and sound of the water are awakening the memories of the previous generations. There are live dreams of my loved ones, which are not with me anymore, and spirit of joy is in the air with the magic of color. I strongly believe, that imagination is the same world, as the one, we all leave in - it breathes, feels, lives ... but far not everybody wants to see it. These few, who do, are ready to stay in there for always. Only with love it is possible to see the mystical light and find a key to its door. Our thoughts are real, they come true, only if were born with soul. 
I do not want to be limited in anything and by anything - had anybody in chains ever soared up the sun? It is hard to breath in corridors of the public opinion, which travel through well-bored routes, the same as be tighten in only two dimensions! I want to soar without any limits and borders by unknown highways, singing the glory and beauty of the woman, as the most genius creation! 

Tanya Besedina.

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